It's now easier to prepare for the future of yourself and your loved ones
When unexpected things go wrong and people pass away, the emotional and psychological toll it takes on everyone involved is immense. Often, administrative things are overlooked, and organizing things after the fact adds to an already frustrating situation.

College Students
What if something happens?
Being prepared is part of the process of becoming a responsible adult. Meet Jon, an 18-year-old college freshman. If anything went wrong, having everything in order helps mitigate damage.
Without a plan in place:
- Jon’s medical records are sealed
- No one is able to make health care decisions on Jon’s behalf
- Jon’s parents hire a lawyer
- Petition the court to name parents as Jon’s conservator
With a plan in place:
- Jon’s parents are able to access his medical records
- Jon’s parents able to make health care decisions on Jon’s behalf
- Jon’s parents will not need to hire a lawyer or petition the court and can focus on Jon’s care

Aging Parents
All parents will eventually need assistance
When a parent passes away, having affairs in order takes the admin part of things out of the equation. Meet Sarah. Her parents are getting older and still need to organize their affairs.
Without an estate plan in place:
- Medical records are sealed, and health care decisions are delayed
- A petition must be filed with the court to name Sarah as conservator and grant her financial power of attorney
- Locating assets and important papers is nearly impossible
- At death, assets are subject to probate
- Sarah has to hire a lawyer to probate the estate
- Creates 12 to 18 months of hassle and distraction
With an estate plan in place:
- Sarah has immediate access to her parent’s medical records
- She is automatically empowered to make health care decisions on her parent’s behalf
- Sarah is automatically empowered to pay bills and maintain her parent’s financial affairs
- There is no need to involve the court or hire a lawyer to probate her parent’s estate
- Assets are all in order and easily identifiable

Accidents happen
It’s never a bad idea to have a plan in place in advance, just in case something happens. The Shafer family, Liz, Brad, and baby Jane had an auto accident while on vacation.
Without an estate plan in place:
- Brad’s parents and Liz’s parents argue about who should raise baby Jane
- Lawyers are hired, and custody battles ensue
- Feelings are hurt, and families divided
With an estate plan in place:
- Liz and Brad thoughtfully nominate whom they want to be the guardian of baby Jane
- Custody is not a question and no lawyers are needed
- Relationships are maintained and families can heal

Business Partners
If one partner passes, what's next?
What does it look like if the unexpected happens within a company? Meet John and Tim.
Without an estate plan in place:
- Tim gets a new business partner- John’s wife
- Tim hires a lawyer to ensure he has control of the business while John’s estate goes through probate
- John’s wife hires a lawyer to probate John’s business assets
With an estate plan in place:
- The business passes seamlessly to Tim without probate or court intervention
- Neither John’s wife nor Tim’s are required to hire a lawyer
- Relationships are maintained and the business can continue to grow